Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Superposition Theorem

Superposition Theorem statement:

The theorem states: “In a network with two or more sources, the current or voltage for any component is the algebraic sum of the effects produced by each source acting separately”

•This means that regardless of the source, we have to analyze them one at a time.
•Things to remember:
–Voltage sources will be shorted
–Current sources will be opened
•For these examples, we will stay with voltage sources

First circuit to consider:

Algebraically sum the results
•VP = VR1 + VR2 = 6V + -12V = 6V – 12V = -6V

Algebraically add the values
•VP = VR1 + VR2 = -30V + 20V = -10V

If the resistors were reversed, the overall value of VP would remain the same but the polarities would be reversed. This is due to R2 now being the larger in the voltage divider ratio when calculating the values.

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