Saturday, January 11, 2014

Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuit

Thevenin's & Norton Equivalent Circuit

Thevenin's Equivalent Theorem

- Thévenin’s theorem, as stated for sinusoidal AC circuits, is changed only to include the term impedance instead of resistance.

- Any two-terminal linear ac network can be replaced with an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source and an impedance in series.

- VTh is the Open circuit voltage between the terminals a-b.

- ZTh is the impedance seen from the terminals when the independent sources are
set to zero.

**Take note that: VTh is the Open circuit voltage between the terminals a-b while ZTh is the impedance seen from the terminals when the independent sources are set to zero**

Norton's Equivalent Theorem

 - The linear circuit is replaced by a current source in parallel with an impedance. IN is the Short circuit current flowing between the terminals a-b when the terminals are short circuited. 

 - In Norton’s theorem, it states that a linear two-terminal circuit can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a current source Iin parallel with a resistor RN, where Iis the short-circuit current through the terminals and RNis the input or equivalent resistance at the terminals when the independent sources are turned off.


Thevenin and Norton equivalents are related by:

In Thevenin's and Norton's Equivalent Theorem, This is good if we are going to put concentration on a particular part of a circuit so that in other part in other way around, The circuit can be replaced by using Thevenin's equivalent.

Source Transformation

Source Transformation

Transform a voltage source in series with an impedance to a current source in parallel with an impedance for simplification or vice versa.

Practice Problem : Calculate the current Io.

If we transform the current source to a voltage source, we obtain the circuit

In source transformation, I observed and i learned that using this theorem will simplify the circuit given for us to be able to convert it into more easier form that it can be, In such way, The circuit will appear simple.